미국 입국심사 질문과 답변
Q. 1. What is the purpose of your visit?
**질문:** 당신의 방문 목적은 무엇입니까?
- "I am here for tourism."
- "I am here to visit friends/family."
- "I am visiting for business purposes."
Q. 2. How long do you plan to stay in the United States?
**질문:** 미국에 얼마나 머무를 계획입니까?
- "I plan to stay for two weeks."
- "I will be here for ten days."
- "I intend to stay for three months."
Q. 3. Where will you be staying during your visit?
**질문:** 방문 기간 동안 어디에 머물 예정입니까?
- "I will be staying at a hotel in New York."
- "I will be staying with my friend in Los Angeles."
- "I have booked an Airbnb in San Francisco."
Q. 4. Do you have a return ticket?
**질문:** 돌아가는 티켓을 가지고 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have a return ticket booked for the 25th of August."
- "Yes, my return flight is scheduled for next month."
- "Yes, here is my return ticket confirmation."
Q. 5. Have you visited the United States before?
**질문:** 미국을 이전에 방문한 적이 있습니까?
- "Yes, I visited two years ago."
- "No, this is my first time visiting the United States."
- "Yes, I was here last year for a conference."
Q. 6. Do you have any relatives or friends in the United States?
**질문:** 미국에 친척이나 친구가 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have a cousin who lives in Chicago."
- "Yes, I am visiting a friend in Miami."
- "No, I do not have any relatives or friends here."
Q. 7. What do you do for a living?
**질문:** 직업이 무엇입니까?
- "I am a teacher."
- "I work as a software engineer."
- "I am a student."
Q. 8. How much money are you bringing with you?
**질문:** 얼마나 많은 돈을 가지고 왔습니까?
- "I have around $2,000 in cash and credit cards."
- "I brought $1,000 in cash and have my credit card."
- "I have sufficient funds for my trip."
Q. 9. Do you have travel insurance?
**질문:** 여행자 보험이 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have travel insurance."
- "Yes, I bought travel insurance before my trip."
- "Yes, here is my travel insurance documentation."
Q. 10. What places will you visit during your stay?
**질문:** 머무는 동안 어떤 곳을 방문할 예정입니까?
- "I plan to visit New York, Washington D.C., and Las Vegas."
- "I will be traveling to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and the Grand Canyon."
- "I intend to explore Miami, Orlando, and the Florida Keys."
Q. 11. Is this your first time in the United States?
**질문:** 미국에 처음 오셨습니까?
- "Yes, this is my first visit."
- "No, I have visited before."
Q. 12. When is your return flight?
**질문:** 귀국 비행기는 언제입니까?
- "My return flight is on September 5th."
- "I am flying back on the 15th of next month."
Q. 13. What is your occupation in your home country?
**질문:** 본국에서 직업은 무엇입니까?
- "I am a doctor."
- "I work as a graphic designer."
- "I am a university student."
Q. 14. Are you traveling alone?
**질문:** 혼자 여행하십니까?
- "Yes, I am traveling alone."
- "No, I am traveling with my family."
- "No, I am with a tour group."
Q. 15. How did you fund your trip?
**질문:** 여행 자금을 어떻게 마련했습니까?
- "I saved money for this trip."
- "I am using my savings and some help from my family."
- "I have been planning and saving for this trip for a while."
Q. 16. Have you booked any tours or activities?
**질문:** 투어나 활동을 예약하셨습니까?
- "Yes, I have booked a city tour in New York."
- "Yes, I have a few activities planned like visiting museums and theme parks."
- "Not yet, but I plan to book some tours once I arrive."
Q. 17. Are you carrying any food, plants, or animals?
**질문:** 음식, 식물, 동물을 가지고 있습니까?
- "No, I am not carrying any of those items."
- "I have some packaged snacks."
- "No, I have nothing to declare."
Q. 18. Do you have any checked baggage?
**질문:** 수하물이 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have two checked bags."
- "No, I am only traveling with carry-on luggage."
Q. 19. Have you been to any other countries before coming to the United States?
**질문:** 미국에 오기 전에 다른 나라를 방문한 적이 있습니까?
- "Yes, I visited Canada before coming here."
- "No, the United States is my first stop."
Q. 20. What is your home address?
**질문:** 본국의 주소는 어디입니까?
- "I live at 123 Main Street, Seoul, South Korea."
- "My address is 456 Elm Street, Tokyo, Japan."
Q. 21. Are you bringing any gifts or items for someone in the United States?
**질문:** 미국에 있는 누군가를 위해 선물이나 물건을 가지고 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have some gifts for my friend."
- "No, I am not carrying any gifts."
Q. 22. Do you have a travel itinerary?
**질문:** 여행 일정표가 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have my itinerary here."
- "Yes, I have planned my activities day by day."
Q. 23. What places have you visited before?
**질문:** 이전에 어떤 곳을 방문했습니까?
- "I have visited France, Italy, and Japan before."
- "I traveled to Australia and New Zealand last year."
Q. 24. How often do you travel abroad?
**질문:** 해외여행을 얼마나 자주 합니까?
- "I travel abroad once a year."
- "This is my first international trip."
Q. 25. Do you have any medical conditions?
**질문:** 의학적 상태가 있습니까?
- "No, I am in good health."
- "Yes, I have diabetes but it's under control."
Q. 26. Are you carrying any medications?
**질문:** 약을 가지고 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have my prescribed medication with me."
- "No, I am not carrying any medications."
Q. 27. What do you plan to do while you are here?
**질문:** 여기서 무엇을 할 계획입니까?
- "I plan to visit tourist attractions and explore the city."
- "I will be attending a business conference and some meetings."
- "I am here to relax and enjoy the beaches."
Q. 28. How did you hear about this place?
**질문:** 이곳에 대해 어떻게 알게 되었습니까?
- "I read about it online."
- "My friends recommended it to me."
- "I saw it on a travel show."
Q. 29. Do you have any connections with any organization or business in the United States?
**질문:** 미국에 있는 어떤 조직이나 사업체와 관련이 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have a business meeting with XYZ Corporation."
- "No, I do not have any connections."
Q. 30. Are you planning to visit any other countries after your stay in the United States?
**질문:** 미국 체류 후 다른 나라를 방문할 계획이 있습니까?
- "Yes, I will be traveling to Canada after my stay here."
- "No, I will be returning home after my visit."
Q. 31. What do you know about the United States?
**질문:** 미국에 대해 무엇을 알고 있습니까?
- "I know that it is a country with diverse cultures and many famous landmarks."
- "I know it has many popular tourist destinations like New York, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas."
Q. 32. Are you traveling for any special event?
**질문:** 특별한 행사를 위해 여행 중입니까?
- "Yes, I am attending a wedding."
- "Yes, I am here for a business conference."
- "No, I am just here for vacation."
Q. 33. Can you show me your travel documents?
**질문:** 여행 서류를 보여주실 수 있습니까?
- "Yes, here are my travel documents."
- "Yes, here is my passport and visa."
Q. 34. Do you have a place to stay arranged?
**질문:** 숙박 장소가 마련되어 있습니까?
- "Yes, I have a reservation at a hotel."
- "Yes, I will be staying with a friend."
Q. 35. Are you bringing any restricted items?
**질문:** 제한된 물건을 가지고 있습니까?
- "No, I am not carrying any restricted items."
- "No, I have nothing restricted with me."
Q. 36. Do you have a criminal record?
**질문:** 범죄 기록이 있습니까?
- "No, I do not have a criminal record."
- "No, I have never been convicted of a crime."
Q. 37. Are you employed?
**질문:** 고용되어 있습니까?
- "Yes, I work as an engineer."
- "No, I am currently a student."
Q. 38. What kind of visa do you have?
**질문:** 어떤 종류의 비자를 가지고 있습니까?
- "I have a tourist visa."
- "I have a business visa."
Q. 39. Have you ever overstayed a visa in the United States?
**질문:** 미국에서 비자를 초과 체류한 적이 있습니까?
- "No, I have never overstayed a visa."
- "No, I always comply with visa regulations."
Q. 40. Are you bringing any currency over $10,000?
**질문:** 10,000달러 이상의 통화를 가지고 있습니까?
- "No, I am not carrying that amount."
- "No, I have less than $10,000 with me."